Little green ideas for National Children Gardening Week

Young Gardeners Your Garden Plant Guides

Little green ideas for National Children Gardening Week

National Children Gardening Week (25 May – 2 June 2024) is soon upon us which will encourage kids to love getting their hands dirty in the garden. Gardening isn't just about plants; it's a chance for kids to play outside, move around, and connect with nature. This special week will see NCGW team up with Peter Rabbit to show how gardening helps kids enjoy the outdoors, learn new things, and care for our planet. The British Garden Centres team has come up with some great ideas for children to explore nature, learn patience, and feel proud as their plants grow

Planting a Rainbow Garden

Transform your outdoor space into a vibrant, eye-catching rainbow garden by incorporating a variety of colourful flowers and plants sourced from your local British Garden Centres store. Let your little ones join in on the fun by helping them pick out seeds or young plants in different colours of the rainbow, and then work together to plot out a rainbow pattern in your garden bed. This engaging activity not only encourages children to use their imagination and creativity but also provides an opportunity for them to learn about the diversity of colours found in nature and the importance of plant care.

Rainbow Garden

Building bricks planter

Following on from the colour theme, why not brighten up the garden with a planter made of toy building bricks?

You will need enough bricks for the size planter you want to create, compost, and plants of your choosing from your local store. Children will have great fun constructing a planter, remember to enjoy you make some holes in the base for drainage.  Once built, carefully remove the plant from its plastic pot and fill your planter with the compost. Nestle the plant into its new home, adding soil as needed to ensure a snug fit. Give it a good watering and find a sunny spot on your showcase the creation!

Hand Painted Pot

Garden treasure hunt

Are you looking for an engaging outdoor activity for kids that also fosters learning about the natural world? Create a treasure hunt list with items found in nature, such as different types of leaves, flowers, or insects. This fun and educational activity allows children to explore outdoor spaces like parks or their own gardens while observing and discovering the biodiversity and wildlife around them. Not only is this activity a great way to get kids moving and exploring the outdoors, but it also helps them develop observation skills and learn about the natural world. So, why not give it a try and see how much fun learning about nature can be?

Treasure Hunt

Butterfly Garden

If you're looking to add some beauty and wonder to your garden, why not consider attracting butterflies? These delightful insects are not only beautiful to look at, but they also play an important role in pollinating plants and flowers. To encourage them to visit your garden, you can plant flowers like buddleia, lavender, verbena, scabiosa, sedum and echinacea which are known to attract butterflies.  As they watch the butterflies flit from flower to flower, they'll also learn about the important role that insects play in pollinating plants and ensuring that our gardens and ecosystems are healthy.

Butterfly Garden

Garden story time

Set up a cosy corner in a garden with bean bags where children can gather for story time sessions featuring books about gardening, nature, and the environment. This combines literacy with outdoor exploration and fosters a love for reading, nature and gardening.

Garden Safe Space

Making birdseed shapes

Birdseed shapes offer an easy and budget-friendly crafting option for children in the garden.  You will need some birdseed, unflavoured gelatine, and boiling water. Simply mix the gelatine and birdseed, press the mixture into greased-shaped cookie cutters, add twine, and allow them to dry before hanging them on tree branches or storing them for later use. These delightful shapes will bring joy to children and the birds that enjoy them.

Birdseed Feeders

Thanks for reading.

Young Gardeners Your Garden Plant Guides

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