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Young Gardeners in May

Learn how to Grow your own Sunflowers step by step and decorate the vegetable patch with your own homemade painted rock labels with our crafty activity!
1st May

Britain Get Growing- Grow Your Own – Carrots

Homegrown carrots are full of flavour, packed with vitamins and a grow your own favourite. They can be grown in your vegetable patch, border or container. Find out where to start in our handy 'grow your own' blog.
2nd Apr

Britain Get Growing- Grow Your Own – Herbs

There's nothing quite like picking homegrown herbs to add to your meal preparations, they are great in stews, casseroles, salads, soups, roasting and even in cocktails!
24th Mar

Britain Get Growing- Grow Your Own – Broad Beans

Broad beans are easy to grow and delicious, they are really versatile and can be used in salads, pasta dishes, stews and soups. Find out more in our blog!
15th Mar

Britain Get Growing- Grow Your Own Tomatoes

The flavour of homegrown tomatoes straight from the vine just can't be beaten. Tomatoes are easy to grow and produce a high yield, just a couple of plants will provide you with a delicious crop throughout the Summer. Tomatoes can be grown in the ground, in containers and in grow bags.
12th Mar

Young Gardeners March

Young Gardener's Activities for March! Make Compost, Pot Pets - The perfect Easter Gift and FREE downloadable Easter/Spring Colouring Sheets!
11th Mar
